In an age where technology permeates every aspect of life, the emergence of virtual companionship technology offers both intriguing possibilities and complex ethical questions. These digital entities, designed to simulate human interaction, have the potential to revolutionize the way people...
Dive into the captivating world of adult manga, a genre that has transcended its traditional boundaries to become a global phenomenon. This exploration will shed light on how these graphic narratives have evolved from niche entertainment to a significant cultural force, influencing not only the...
There are several options for having sex in today's world. You can do it with a woman or with a sex doll. But you have to understand that this last option is not human, because in reality it's an object that looks like a woman. Since the creation of these sex dolls, many people have been amazed by...
Sexcam sessions with camgirls have gained popularity as an online erotic experience. They offer a variety of benefits for those who appreciate them. This form of adult entertainment allows viewers to explore their sexuality and other additional benefits. In this article, you will discover the...
When it comes to masturbation, men no longer need sexual videos like pornos. In fact, today there are highly realistic artificial vaginas capable of making you happy. Several brands offer these cunts, some more realistic than others. In this article, we'll tell you about the most realistic...
In the vast realm of accessories and devices aimed at enhancing intimacy and performance, the penile harness emerges as an intriguing and often underestimated option. Designed to provide a more comfortable and controlled experience than certain other devices, the penile harness presents several...
Sex is good for your health, your morale, and your relationship. But in some cases, sex can be very dangerous. Here's a closer look at three of the little-known dangers of sex.
Tearing of the sexual organ
During sex, both men and women can experience a tear in the sex organ.
In men, it is rare to...
Unprotected sex, that is, sex without a condom, is not without risk for both partners. It can lead to sexually transmitted infections or unwanted pregnancy.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are transmitted during unprotected sex. Women are more likely than men...
Widely used by women, the contraceptive pill helps to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Like any pill, it has side effects. What are the side effects of the contraceptive pill?
The pill can cause a headache
This side effect is real. Indeed, the French Drug Agency has indicated that estrogen-progestin...
With age, stress and many hormonal phenomena linked to the use of medication, it sometimes happens that some people are confronted with a recurrent problem of premature ejaculation. It is a problem that can seriously harm a fulfilling couple's life. What to do to get out of it?
What is premature...
The breasts are an erogenous zone that gives a lot of pleasure to both men and women. However, to give pleasure to the woman, it is necessary to know how to handle it in the rules of art. The caresses on the breasts must be delicate and soft. How to proceed?
Gestures never to make not to make...