Unprotected sex, that is, sex without a condom, is not without risk for both partners. It can lead to sexually transmitted infections or unwanted pregnancy.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are transmitted during unprotected sex. Women are more likely than men to be infected. STIs can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Bacterial or parasitic infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, if detected early, can be treated and cured; Viral infections (hepatitis B, genital herpes, HIV, papillomavirus (HPV)) are difficult, if not impossible, to treat permanently.
Once contracted, these infections are not without consequences on health. They can lead to PID, inflammation of the prostate, infertility, prostate inflation, skin, bone, or neurological lesions, cirrhosis or liver cancer, severe immune system damage, uterine cancer, or ectopic or newborn pregnancy for an infected mother.
An unwanted pregnancy
Having a baby takes planning. Pregnancy is said to be unwanted when it comes to a time when it is least expected. When a pregnancy occurs at the wrong time, it can completely disrupt the social and professional life of the woman and man. It would be enough for the woman or the couple to adopt a contraceptive method, for one of the partners to use a preventive, or for the woman to control her menstrual cycle to avoid having an unplanned pregnancy.
There is also nothing to prevent the man from controlling his partner's cycle because, for one reason or another, the woman may decide to become pregnant without his consent. However, the woman is exposed to a refusal of pregnancy by her partner. Although contraceptive methods can prevent pregnancy, they do not protect against STIs.